Friday, May 11, 2018

Inviting Foreign Nationals = Colossal Mistake

As we all know, president Trump is passionately vocal about his opposition to immigration. And although immigration policy affects everyone of us, some of us feel his wrath more than others. His homeland security secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, is one of those individuals. Why might he be so upset at her? Well let's just say his frustration with the lack of immigration reform has much to do with it. Not to mention Nielsen's "invitation" to immigrants seeking asylum. In a testimony to a congressional  committee, Nielsen asked immigrants seeking asylum to report themselves to United States port of entry. Some might think this was her way of combating illegal entry into the country however, conservatives judged her lack of vigor against any immigration at all. Supporters of the president's view against immigration cite the lack of action on his 2016 campaign promise as his source of frustration. "I will build a wall" he said, but we have yet to see any sign of building. Many Americans are relived that congress has not yet provided funding for such a ridiculous proposal. As a child of immigrants I have to add my two cents into this discussion. I come from the border town of Laredo Texas and needless to say I have lived with the effects of illegal immigration all throughout my life. There was nobody more affected by the lack of immigration reform than the illegal immigrants themselves. White house chief of staff John F. Kelly stated in an interview on NPR , "the policy of separating families is an appropriate deterrence to illegal border-crossers, most of whom are not people that would easily assimilate into the United States into our modern society. They’re overwhelmingly rural people in the countries they come from.” With that being said he reaffirmed his support for president Trump's worst method of immigration deterrence yet, separating families across nations. We all know president Trump can be a bully but his disdain toward immigrants lacks the etiquette befitting of a president. If Trump and his supporters would just take a moment and look at America they would realize it was built by immigrants. Until then immigrants, legal or not, have no choice but to live with the one-sided views conservative groups have of them.

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Inviting Foreign Nationals = Colossal Mistake

As we all know, president Trump is passionately vocal about his opposition to immigration. And although immigration policy affects everyone ...